Thursday, August 7, 2014

Spicy cinnamon clove pumpkins...

Some have ask and here are the simple, and I do mean simple, instructions for making these spicy gems... They are quick to make and smell of old fashion spices.. I added the ground cloves on my own simply because I love the way cloves smell.. Also these little pumpkins last forever when stored in an air tight container.. I have some that are  5 years old and they look just like the day I made them.. I will say these pumpkins do shrink a good bit and you might keep that in mind when you form your pumpkins..

Here is all you need:

I usually double the amounts and I will give you the amounts needed ..

1 1/2 cups ground cinnamon

1 cup applesauce

1/4 cup white glue

Put applesauce & glue into a bowl... mix this around to blend it up... Begin adding the spices and mix as you go.. if the dough seems to runny add a little more spices if dough seems to dry add a bit of applesauce .. Knead the dough and I let mine sit a while at this point  to sort of set up before forming the pumpkins..

After I get the pumpkins shaped I roll them in ground cloves or cinnamon to finish them off.

I make a hole in the top of pumpkins for a stem that will be added later.. I use a wood skewer to make the "stem hole" and wiggle it around a little to make it a nice size.

It takes quite a while for the pumpkins to dry. I turn mine from time to time as they are drying..

When your pumpkins are good and dry use a bit of twig for a stem  and add a dab of glue to keep the stem  in place..

That's that and I think you will love having these for your autumn decoration.. I hope you will give these a try..

Here is the end result.. Every time I make them I get a different color and I like that..

Thanks for having a look.  Please let me know how your pumpkins come out..

Remember the Shaker saying as it is ever so true..

"TIS A GIFT TO BE SIMPLE"....  Don't you love it..

Until next time~~~


  1. Thanks for the "recipe" for your pumpkins.... they look wonderful and I'm sure they smell great! I will have to try these out.... it seems simple enough for even me to give a try!!

  2. Thank you for sharing!! I must try!! So good to see you blogging again!!
    Big Hugs,

  3. Yummmmmmmmmmm! I am able to enjoy the scent of cupboard spices from here!
    Happy day to you B ....
    ~ j

  4. Thank you ever so much B! I shall give them a try. I think I see some lines too to make them look more pumpkiny. Hugs, Lori
